had opened the mail box on friday and discovered a shitload of letters... my father din check the letter box for nearly a week!!! among the bills, i found:

and my ibanking device:
press the red button and it'll generate a string of 6 numbers as a 2nd pin for the ibanking. According to the combinations formula, 9x9x9x9x9x9 = 531,441 possible combinations!!! so throughout its lifetime, the devise can generate 531,441 strings of numbers to be inputed.
went to mustafa on wed to get a new calculator. after 6 years of faithful service, my CASIO FX911Z finally decided to call it quits. the display had spoilt/degraded to the extent that i can see wad numbers i'm typing in.. very frustrating.
and so i went on a quest to replace it.. popular sells such scientific calculators at > $30... i got my 911Z for $18. then salman and shawn suggested MUSTAFA. so why not? if i could save a shitload of money, its worth a try.
so after CCA on wed, i met up with salman at little india. we went for a thosai. i think its very nice and fresh... at $1.20 per servinig, very worth it. somemore damn filling. after makan, we walked to the mustafa. quite far, but since got company, so its ok.
when we got there, we had to tie up our bags with the cable tie... apparently this prevents shoplifting. so we went direct to the calculators section. got alot of models. but dun have my FX911Z. damn... i quite like that calculator. in the end, settled for the FX85MS.
911Z on the left, 82MS on the right
the buttons are rather similar, so i chose this as i din want to learn how to use another calculator. plus, i like the solar panel on top.
as mentioned b4, the 911Z had cost me $18 6 years ago. now, the 85MS cost me only $13.90!!! if i had to buy it at popular, i think it would surely cost me >$30. bottom line: go to mustafa to buy calculators.
got this bottle of spray for $2.90!!! i think its damn cheap...
yesterday was my grandmothers 86th birthday. as per tradition, the entire LEE family gathered to catch up and celebrate her birthday.
4 generations of us.. less abt 3 people due to work commitments. the small girl is the latest addition to the family, my cousin's 1 yr old + daughter enya.
my grandprents had 5 sons. 1 passed away due to cancer when he was young. so left 4. these 4 sons had 2 kids each. so got 8 of us cousins. 1 out of 8 of us had a daughter. so is:
1+4+4+8+3+1=21 of us in the family.
the 8 of us are split into '2 generation'. 4 of us being older and 4 of us being younger. out of the 4, 1 is a Captain in the army, another a chemical engineer with Seagate, another is a showroom manager with Subaru and the last being a cheft? that 1 i dunno. long time no see him.
the last 4 of us all still studying.
there's going to be another gathering next month on chinese new year at my cousin's new place at ang mo kio. so look forward to seeing his 138 SQ flat...