had curry fish for dinner just now. home cooked! also tried a new type of rice. ever had nasi bryani? the rice they use for it is the basmati rice or long grain rice. i've long wanted to tried it. so bought 1 packet (1kg) and try.
the packaging. looks very nice right? but its expensive. $2+ for 1 kilo.
the grain on the left is the normal fragrance rice. the right side one is the long grain rice. its slightly longer and thinner than the normal rice.
i cooked 1 cup and had it with dinner. not bad la. quite fragrant. just that its very hard. so for people like me who like the rice hard and dry, its great. the rest of my family dun like hard and dry rice. they prefer it to be wetter and softer. hmm... dunno where i picked up the habit of eating hard rice..
going to watch the united states GP later at 12.45 on RTM2. since i got no cable, could not watch F1 for many many yrs le. but this yr i realized that the malaysian channel is broadcasting the race. so i try to catch it whenever i can. i'm rooting for Hamilton to win. since Schumacher retire le, no one to support. everyone loves the hero la..

ronald's doodle when we were in GP one day...

lol.. very bo liao
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