for my CCA the infoComm club, we have 13 new yr 1 members. this is quite a big jump from 4 yr2s and 8 yr3s. i'm quite pleased with this new lot as they are still very bubbly and fun loving.. very willing to do duty and learn.. they still have a long way to go.. 3 more yrs and i hope that they dun lose this zeal..

went for my BTT on 20th april last wed... was full of hope that i'll pass the first time and can start learning driving asap. i guess i was hasty and when i saw people leaving, i also want to leave. so i faster do finish and i failed la... i had counted 7 questions that i got no confidence of confirm correct. so wasn't really a surprise la.. den went to book another date. 28th june. 1 day b4 my birthday and smack in the middle of the mid-yr exams. i'll just have to see if the dates clash anot. ronald took his BTT this morning. he also fail. haha... his date is 7/7/07. LOL..
went over to princess elizabeth pri to teach the P4 infocomm students how to set up an email acc and how to send email, upload pics etc. the school is very kiddy and reminded me of my pri school days... it felt like those days were eons ago... to be precise, abt 11 yrs ago.. how time flies.. when you are young, wanna grow up fast. old le wanna go back to last time.
anyway, there were abt 20 of us VS 30+ to 40 of the P4 students. mix of boys and girls. most of them were rather well behaved. only a handful were quite mischievous. so we taught them wad was on the notes and i have to say that things went quite smoothly overall. the yr2s were the trainers and i'll say that they were too soft. cannot hear them over the din. i think i would have done better, after got louder voice. but its time to let the young ones take the stage and strut their stuff. so the session ended on a ok note with the students being quite enthu abt the upcoming session on blogging..
the GP mid yr is drawing near and i'm feeling some of the jitters already. had to hand in my GP essay yesterday after sch. GP teacher made it compulsory such that we face a fine of $1 and 1 detention if we din hand it in yesterday. i wrote on whether the world is too dependent on oil. well.. GP demands that we present 2 sides of the view, else we will never pass..
so for the side of being too dependent on oil, i said that yes b'cos:
1) countries have been to war over oil. Japan in WWII cos the US cut its oil shipments.
2) when oil price rise, people panic and it affects everyone. like 91' gulf war that time.
3) if no oil, everything grinds to a halt. cos most power stations burn oil to boil water and drive the steam turbines which generates electricity. no oil = no electricity = nothing. no lights, fans, water pumps or MRT.
as the the opposing view saying that we are not reliant on oil:
1) got alternative forms of energy like water (hydro) or wind. no oil still can use wind turbines to generate electricity.
2) scientists and companies have come up with devices to save energy. means need less electricity to power. this would mean that the demand for electricity would be reduced and there won't be a need to burn so much oil.
hope can get a high 30s for this essay..
i think my room is situated in a very good position... can see the moon at nights and the sunrise in the morning..
taken at night..
another one taken slightly earlier on another day.. moon slightly obscured by the clouds..
i remember this photo.. taken on a monday morning just before i went to school.. was looking out of the window and saw this view.. i think the colours are very nice and the texture of the clouds with the light shinning through them.
this about sums up this long post. i'll make an effort to post more often..
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