wore the class tee for the run as the MI marathon shirt was too tight. later very uncomfortable... so i had 4 slices of bread and 1 packet of ribena for breakfast..
den my lao pa drive me to the esplanade there.. on reaching the marina area, immediately saw 3 out of the 4 lanes kena block. so i alight around the underpass there and walk towards the esplanade there...
alot of people at dat time around 6+ am... had a hard time finding salman and shawn (tan) as there very messy...
awhile later we saw the P, Mr tan chor pang and his 2 daughters... den shawn (tan) went to give him his mi marathon shirt and they chatted for awhile.. i din join in la, cos i also din know wad to say.. his 2 daughters very young.. less than 13..
infront of the esplanade there got this pool... den got the stone steps for people to walk.. as it wa quite dark, many people din notice the stone-water boundary and just fall into the water while walking... some only the leg, some, the whole person fell in.. hahahaahahahaha!!!! stand there for 1 hr got many laughs..
den shawn (teo) can.. he was late (as usual). found him and den we group together waiting for the start.. when the start time was approaching, ronald call me... apparently he din want to join the netball girls for the run..
so the gun went off (din hear it) and wen went to join the crowd on the road...
everyone was walking till the start line where they started cheonging.. den we also cheong.. after awhile, i became breathless... had cough and sore throat..
but luckily the guys were very nice... when i stop, they also stop.. den the 5 of us just walk walk lor... i was carrying my bag, as was shawn (teo)... saw a few of our sch people there as the helpers.. dunno if they are paid anot..
the course, 10km, is ok la. rather like the big walk lidat, just dat with less people.. i'll fast forward... so towards the end, at the city hall there, we all cheong towards the finish line.. since i'm the fattest and slowest, i finished last out of the 5 of us.. as proven by the results below...

haha... i think not too bad le la.. walk nearly 90% of the distance..
the front of the medal for the 10 KM category..
the back view..
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