Monday, May 19, 2008


i remember saying something about going to caombat in june or after my CTS is healed. now i've been re-vocated to RP or Regimental Policeman. lol.. the universe has a wierd way of doing things. i've wanted to go combat, and now i'm in a combat vocation. $100 more per mth and more credits top up per yr compared to a service soldier. haha.. i guess the extra money could come in handy.. so many things i wanna get..

just upgraded my computer again.. 3rd time in 2 yrs le.. haha.. my 1st com was a compaq presario P3 599Mhz running 512mb @ Pc133Mhz SD-Ram with a 40 GB hard drive and 2 CD Drives with a CD writer.

2nd one was also a P3 this time clocking 997Mhz with 768mb @ PC133Mhz SD-Ram also. hard drive this time became a 80 GB master with the 40 GB slave from the 1st com. got a samsung DVD writer with the cd writer as the slave cd drive. got a 250 GB external hard drive as a back up for all my barang barang.

current com was from my uncle who got fed-up of fixing this computer and gave me the whole set! currently running a P4 clocking 2.2Ghz running 1.5 GB @ Pc133Mhz DDR-Ram with a 160 GB hard drive with the 80 GB slave from the previous com. dvd writer was carried over with a newer cd writer replacing my old one.

with the external drive, my total storage capacity is 160 GB + 80 GB + 250 GB = 490 GB!!

that's half a terabyte!! haha..

many nice movies this period.. but the tickets all very ex.. :(

one of the film i want to watch.. haha.. a romantic comedy.

another one.. i'm sure it will be very nice.

anyone wants to go to the movies with me? haha..