after that, shawn accompanied me to comfort driving centre at Ubi. went there to register as a school student as i heard that i could learn to drive on the circuit without a PDL. had to pay quite abit as a registration fee.. had to change me BTT date as it clashed with the mid-year exams.
turns out that there's an early slot on 22nd june at 9.15am.. i think comfort got keep slots for their own people one... those who take private have to wait damn long... like me. but no longer. :) ran into daryl... he passed his btt and applied for his PDL le.. tmw is his first lesson..
the folder that comfort gave.. thought it wad.. like got alot of secret manuals lidat..
turns out is the BTT and FTT books.. -.- i got le lor. now got 2 sets.. who wants? can sell you..
they gave me an optical mouse too! damn cute... takes the shape of a car..
in the dark.. got headlights one!! haha..

den got this record book that need to bring to everything lesson.. charts your progress..

every student is issued with this card.. the pic looks damn toot la.. wanted to retake. but the girl printed it already.. #@$@!@#$
the girl who was doing my reg mentioned that today got slot at 6.50 pm. so i called mother and she said can. so i took it and had to wait roughly an hour. did my maths while waiting. so when time up i went to the car park and enter the car. the instructor was some 40+ yr old uncle. not bad la. quite funny. learned how to keep the car center, how to engage gear 1 and move off, engage reverse gear and how to stop without stalling the car.
initially could not really feel the accelerator. so had to step on it a while and match the engine revs to the techno to get a feel... then had to engage the clutch and gear one. stalled the car a few times as i forgot to clutch in when the car is stopping. the car also stalled when i forgot to accelerate after releasing the clutch.
so after roughly correcting these mistakes, the instructor allowed me to drive around the circuit for 1/2 hr. got a shitload of cars and my speed was no more than 30km/h. but it felt damn fast la.. den i stalled the car twice when i forgot to clutch in while coming to a stop. :P throughout the 100 mins, the instructor keep saying if want to learn, must put in the best and learn properly.. true la. pay so much $$.
he said that i was a fast learner but need to work on clutch and accelerator co-ordination. he also advised that i get my PDL b4 signing up for more lessons as the circuit is very restricted and cannot do much. if got PDL can go out of circuit and learn how to change gears, lane keeping etc.
well.. it was a fun experience for me. can't say i wasn't scared. but heh, i'm finally learning how to drive. i think i'll hold back on further lessons till i pass my BTT. den i'll go for 3 lessons per week..
tmw got physics mock... haven study yet.. shit..
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