hai... a few days no post liao... partly cos no mood and damn tired after sch...
haha... just woke up after a long day... whole day was spent cleaning up the house in preparation for tmw's open house... apparently the agent advertised our house in the papers and tmw is designated as the open house for all the perspective buyers to come...
all so dusty and all. wah lao eh... throw away so many things... the whole house looks so bare now... especially my room... all the boxes go up the top of the cupboard... den i spent the whole time sneezing and sneezing.. the whole room look like war zone lidat. papers here and there, big balls of dust and hair (think is my sister one) lying here and there..
now the room very clean... after sweeping and mopping it... twice. here are some pictures... unfortunately or fortunately, i din have the foresight to take some b4 pics...

main view of the room... neat right? except for the table...

cupboard area... finally can open the door after 2+ yrs...

this place last time damn messy one.. no place to even rest the elbow when studying... now dat its so clean, imagine the amt of junk dat we buang...

it all went up up up... all the magazines and cds... up above the cupboard.... looks very neat now...

of course, cannot be all the stuff go up right? some HAD to stay be down... cos got too much le... ah ma cleared the entire lower deck of clothes away for me... den all the files and papers went into the lower deck. once the door close, cannot even tell inside is all paper and not clothes...

used to hang all my shirts and uniform on the grile... now have to shift into the cupboard... cos not nice... @!#$#!$#!$$*&... so ma fun....

storeroom full of carton boxes... folded up and all... doesn't look like alot... but it is alot...

apparently this is my sister's 8 days collections, numbered at around 100+... got 2003 issues also... this is like $200+.. but she smart... not she buy one. is mother buy one. government expenditure, so ok.
threw away 70% of my car mag collection... since 2000... think at least got 100+ copies also... now still have abt 30% residing in the cupboard... so sad la... if one copy is $5, den 100 copies got $500!!! wah lao. din know i spent so much money in my sec 1, sec 2 days... money din seem important.. enough to eat can liao... now got hp bills lah, internet bill lah, this bill dat bill. not enough money to spend le. so stopped buying the mags since last yr...
last time is qia siao (car crazy). i still am... i'll be able to name 90% of the cars on the road... but not so siao le. to the extent of spending dunno how much on car mags monthly... car show will still go... dat's where all the new cars and concept cars are shown... also got the babes... heh heh... digital cameras are damn useful!
seems like a damn long post... but who cares... is MY blog.
was reading the news just now... abt the "Hezbollah chief makes first public appearance since war". i read already i wanna laugh... call the israeli withdrawal a "divine victory".
wad bullshit... hello! is the israelis bow down to international pressure den forced to withdraw... not the god force israel to withdraw. think wad? divine lightning strike the IDF ar? crazy arabs.... ya la. given the fact dat the hezbollah damaged a few israeli tanks and kill some isrealis with rockets and RPG... but if israel really wanna go in full force, you think lebanon still exists on the map?
Nasrallah, a hero for many Arabs but public enemy No. 1 for Israel, had not been seen in public since the day war broke out more than two months ago. While his whereabouts remain secret, he has made a string of Arab television appearances.
HERO!!??? i dun think so la... since you have to go and hide in rat or dog hole so dat you won't be killed by some israeli bomb or artillery...
In Israel, a senior Israeli official dismissed Nasrallah's victory claims as "ridiculous." "That's a ridiculous claim coming from a man who was forced to go into hiding again after his speech," haha.... damn right!
Israel's devastating offensive which was launched after Hezbollah captured two Israeli soldiers on July 12...
if is really divine, need to go and kidnapp other people's soldiers as hostages meh? some twisted logic... i think if they din do dat, israel will leave them alone and at the most send in the commandos from time to time to clear out those terrorists. but the hezbollah HAD to go catch those israeli soldiers and pull their tails...
"The resistance is stronger today than on July 12," Nasrallah said... "The resistance today has more than 20,000 rockets," he added, rejecting Israeli claims to have inflicted heavy damage on the guerrilla group.
sure anot!!!??? got no food and water see they still resist wad... all bullshit one lah...
Prime Minister Fuad Siniora has rejected Hezbollah calls for a government change and stopped short of declaring a victory, after a war which cost Lebanon billions of dollars on top of the more than 1,200 people, mostly civilians, killed in the fighting.
see? dun play play with israel.... wanna have freedom fighters right? sure. it'll cost you a few billion here and there...then we're talking real money...
Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora hailed what he saw as Nasrallah's appeal for dialogue. "The insistence by Hezbollah's chief, in his speech, on dialogue is good, constructive and opens horizons for the future," Siniora's office said in a statement.
yeah yeah... its constructive cos you dun want him to continue making mischief wad... so you praise him lo, and hope it makes him happy enough so dat he won't go and pull some crazy stunt to start another war...
i think israel will regret not killing dat nasrallah feller... since he's so opposed to their existance, he will return to haunt them in the future... in my opinion, israel should just accidentally let lose a few nuclear bombs dat they carry on their planes and wipe lebanon off the map... den 40 or 50 yrs later return to dat place and start planting vegetables and fruits... it'll settle all the resistance and freedom bullshit once and for all. but all those are innocent civillans...? who cares... just too bad dat they were born there. they deserve it if they support the 'cause'.
don't come and tell me dat my views and opinions are twisted and wrong. this is MY blog. i have the freedom to say wad i want. i roughly know my limits. if you not happy, go elsewhere lah.
haha... just woke up after a long day... whole day was spent cleaning up the house in preparation for tmw's open house... apparently the agent advertised our house in the papers and tmw is designated as the open house for all the perspective buyers to come...
all so dusty and all. wah lao eh... throw away so many things... the whole house looks so bare now... especially my room... all the boxes go up the top of the cupboard... den i spent the whole time sneezing and sneezing.. the whole room look like war zone lidat. papers here and there, big balls of dust and hair (think is my sister one) lying here and there..
now the room very clean... after sweeping and mopping it... twice. here are some pictures... unfortunately or fortunately, i din have the foresight to take some b4 pics...

main view of the room... neat right? except for the table...

cupboard area... finally can open the door after 2+ yrs...

this place last time damn messy one.. no place to even rest the elbow when studying... now dat its so clean, imagine the amt of junk dat we buang...

it all went up up up... all the magazines and cds... up above the cupboard.... looks very neat now...

of course, cannot be all the stuff go up right? some HAD to stay be down... cos got too much le... ah ma cleared the entire lower deck of clothes away for me... den all the files and papers went into the lower deck. once the door close, cannot even tell inside is all paper and not clothes...

used to hang all my shirts and uniform on the grile... now have to shift into the cupboard... cos not nice... @!#$#!$#!$$*&... so ma fun....

storeroom full of carton boxes... folded up and all... doesn't look like alot... but it is alot...

apparently this is my sister's 8 days collections, numbered at around 100+... got 2003 issues also... this is like $200+.. but she smart... not she buy one. is mother buy one. government expenditure, so ok.
threw away 70% of my car mag collection... since 2000... think at least got 100+ copies also... now still have abt 30% residing in the cupboard... so sad la... if one copy is $5, den 100 copies got $500!!! wah lao. din know i spent so much money in my sec 1, sec 2 days... money din seem important.. enough to eat can liao... now got hp bills lah, internet bill lah, this bill dat bill. not enough money to spend le. so stopped buying the mags since last yr...
last time is qia siao (car crazy). i still am... i'll be able to name 90% of the cars on the road... but not so siao le. to the extent of spending dunno how much on car mags monthly... car show will still go... dat's where all the new cars and concept cars are shown... also got the babes... heh heh... digital cameras are damn useful!
seems like a damn long post... but who cares... is MY blog.
was reading the news just now... abt the "Hezbollah chief makes first public appearance since war". i read already i wanna laugh... call the israeli withdrawal a "divine victory".
wad bullshit... hello! is the israelis bow down to international pressure den forced to withdraw... not the god force israel to withdraw. think wad? divine lightning strike the IDF ar? crazy arabs.... ya la. given the fact dat the hezbollah damaged a few israeli tanks and kill some isrealis with rockets and RPG... but if israel really wanna go in full force, you think lebanon still exists on the map?
Nasrallah, a hero for many Arabs but public enemy No. 1 for Israel, had not been seen in public since the day war broke out more than two months ago. While his whereabouts remain secret, he has made a string of Arab television appearances.
HERO!!??? i dun think so la... since you have to go and hide in rat or dog hole so dat you won't be killed by some israeli bomb or artillery...
In Israel, a senior Israeli official dismissed Nasrallah's victory claims as "ridiculous." "That's a ridiculous claim coming from a man who was forced to go into hiding again after his speech," haha.... damn right!
Israel's devastating offensive which was launched after Hezbollah captured two Israeli soldiers on July 12...
if is really divine, need to go and kidnapp other people's soldiers as hostages meh? some twisted logic... i think if they din do dat, israel will leave them alone and at the most send in the commandos from time to time to clear out those terrorists. but the hezbollah HAD to go catch those israeli soldiers and pull their tails...
"The resistance is stronger today than on July 12," Nasrallah said... "The resistance today has more than 20,000 rockets," he added, rejecting Israeli claims to have inflicted heavy damage on the guerrilla group.
sure anot!!!??? got no food and water see they still resist wad... all bullshit one lah...
Prime Minister Fuad Siniora has rejected Hezbollah calls for a government change and stopped short of declaring a victory, after a war which cost Lebanon billions of dollars on top of the more than 1,200 people, mostly civilians, killed in the fighting.
see? dun play play with israel.... wanna have freedom fighters right? sure. it'll cost you a few billion here and there...then we're talking real money...
Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora hailed what he saw as Nasrallah's appeal for dialogue. "The insistence by Hezbollah's chief, in his speech, on dialogue is good, constructive and opens horizons for the future," Siniora's office said in a statement.
yeah yeah... its constructive cos you dun want him to continue making mischief wad... so you praise him lo, and hope it makes him happy enough so dat he won't go and pull some crazy stunt to start another war...
i think israel will regret not killing dat nasrallah feller... since he's so opposed to their existance, he will return to haunt them in the future... in my opinion, israel should just accidentally let lose a few nuclear bombs dat they carry on their planes and wipe lebanon off the map... den 40 or 50 yrs later return to dat place and start planting vegetables and fruits... it'll settle all the resistance and freedom bullshit once and for all. but all those are innocent civillans...? who cares... just too bad dat they were born there. they deserve it if they support the 'cause'.
don't come and tell me dat my views and opinions are twisted and wrong. this is MY blog. i have the freedom to say wad i want. i roughly know my limits. if you not happy, go elsewhere lah.
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