come home that time started raining.. sian. until now still raining.. feel a little down already..
anyway.. a little recap on my little happenings..
went for my cousin's wedding at some orchard hotel on 10th oct. pretty nice atmosphere.. had to wear a tie for the dinner.. so stifiling.. anyway, i brought my kodak there since i could try taking some pics there. besides, my other cousin's boyfriend is a professional photographer.. so i can learn some stuff from him.. he was using a 40D with hotshoe flash that night. was expecting something like the 1D Mk3 or some other monster.
anyway, i'll be looking for him once i have enough $$ to get my 400D as he would probably be able to get me a better deal. having someone who knows wad to look out for is also good..
tried taking many pics and for the first time i realised that the pics taken using the normal cam with flash and all that wasn't wad i would call very nice. perhaps i've been viewing the pics taken by the professional photogs on clubsnap and have come to demand more from my pictures. so i tried taking manual. damn hard leh.. very easy to shake, hard to get the optimum exposure and have to set the white balance myself. the camera sensor would confuse it and cannot get the same lighting conditions in the pics as i see. the shuttle speed was also a challenge as too long a shuttle speed would surely blur the pic as people would move about, no matter how small. too short and there won't be enough exposure and the pic would turn out under exposed. so i sort of understood the limitations of my P&S. its great for normal occassions out in the park or to some outdoor exhibitions. but come to indoor shots, my kodak would be totally outclassed.
i think this has made me all the more determined to get the 400D so that i can take pics that are approaching a better quality.
to show wad i mean, check out this pic. taken in auto mode with the flash off. the sensor totally screw up the lighting. its like totally flat.
this pic was taken in manual mode. the shutter speed was too fast 1/8 of a sec. and i should have compensated for exposure.
this pic is much better. brighter by alot. super slow shutter speed of 1.3 sec. but at such slow speeds the hand tends to shake and this pic if magnify sure gone one.
here's a photo of my cousin's wife (dunno wad to call her) and his daughter. the front of the pic is pretty well exposed due to the flash, but the rest of the pic is gone. wad do i mean? the rest of the details like the lighting and stuff in the room is all so dark that cannot even see.
this pic is one of the better ones. of course my cousin's hand is blur cos he moved it during the time it took to take the pic. but other that that this mode allows the details of the room to be seen. like the lighting, other people etc. so this is wad i mean by the pic having 'depth'.
anyway, now that i've realised the limitations of my kodak, i'll try my best to work my way around them so that it will be the cam limiting me, not my lack of skills from preventing me from taking good pictures.